
Whatever you like

Kategori: Food

Last night

Kategori: Living

Summer’s filled with breaking the rules, standing apart, ignoring your head, and following your heart.
What about winter?

Behind the scenes

Kategori: Production

First impressions of our graffiti shoot.
The final image movie will be posted on our facebook page and of course on the blog.

I can't think of another thing to do..

Kategori: Living

.. because every song makes me think of you.
Trying to get my stuff done even if it's not easy to get a clear head for a second.
Only the sunshine put a smile on my face.

Sunny Sunday

Kategori: Living

Sunny Sunday today! Perfect for lying in bed and reading blogs while the sun shines through my window.

Escape to the Nature

Kategori: Living

When sometimes everything is going up and down in life, it's the best to escape to the nature. You just need a good friend, who's sharing great moments like this with you and everything will get better.

Life's too short to sit around miserable

Kategori: Travel

Good times in Florida will always be in my best memories.

the beginning

Kategori: Living

Far away

Kategori: Travel